When I say my passion is Crafting.. I'm not putting it above my family or God...Someone once said to me...in a craft group.. "so your crafts are more important"...my answer to that Is...NO!.. my crafting is not more important...My goal/passion in life was and is Always to be a good wife...mother...and Grandmother..I failed in many of these areas..I feel God gave me this small gift to create..but I do not love it more than my family...my passion is always to do good at whatever God places before me...My creating as well as time with God fills empty spaces in my life..spaces that are not understandable...So I craft every day...I'm loving what I do...and still holding onto my dreams...to have little craft classes...and a tiny business...even at my age!!! A few pictures of my Craft Studio..I am always amazed at people!